What Is Truth – Diving Into The Depths
![What Is Truth Spiritual & Philosophical Blog Post On Truth](https://www.egohumor.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/What-Is-Truth.png)
There Is No Religion Higher Than Truth. – Theosophical Society
The age old question “what is truth?”.
How many times has this question been asked? How many hours, how many lives, have been spent pouring over the idea, pondering possibilities, examining perceived connections in hopes of a glimpse?
The quote from the Theosophical Society, “there is no religion higher than truth”, offers a powerful insight, Truth is all there is.
(I will be using Truth and truth in this post. Truth with a capital “T” represents the Absolute Truth and truth with a small “t” represents the various truths that compose the larger Absolute Truth. Getting funky already).
Let's kick things off with this idea of Absolute Truth. It is everything and anything that could possibly be or not be. Anything you can think of is part of the Absolute Truth. Absolute Truth contains all.
Religion attempts to contain it, philosophy attempts to deconstruct it, and these attempts are truths in their own right. Religion & philosophy, by their own nature, can only contain and explain so much, thereby limiting its degree of scope.
This is somewhat refreshing is it not? Absolute Truth simply is. We have a connection & comprehension of the grand meaning of life, It is! Do you feel cheated, I do, I need more.
The devil is always in the details. From this unifying perspective, we thirst for more. Ask and you shall receive.
The truths that comprise the Truth are many and often times in opposition to one another. How can this be? Out of the One, or Absolute Truth, came the many and the first manifestations that came out of the One contain the trait of polarity.
Polarity and duality represent the extremes of all manifestation. In order for something to be, there must be something that mirrors it in the other direction.
For something to be correct something must be incorrect. For something to be hot another must be cold, for something to be large another must be small, and for something to be complex something else must be simple.
This truth of polarity and duality is one of the most powerful in our exploration of the new perspective we are seeking to shape and will be covered later. At this point in our journey when looking at polarity in relation to Absolute Truth the insight to grasp is we can't have one without the other.
Along these lines of polarity, a mind-boggling idea is that a lie is also a truth. In order for something to be a truth, something else must truthfully not be a truth.
What confusing sorcery are we playing with here?
A lie is a form of truth. When a statement or idea is not accurate it is truthfully inaccurate. For example, people used to believe that the earth was at the center of the universe. This belief was truthfully inaccurate. It truthfully offered a misrepresentation of the actual truth which is yet to be confirmed but undeniable known that we are not the center of the universe.
Everything is the Absolute Truth.
I believe many of us, myself included, are interested in digging into truths with the small “t”. The truths that heavily impact our day to day lives, our ability to function in this grand mystery, and how we feel within our skin and our societies, these truths heavily affect our day-to-day lives.
There are many truths that will be necessary for us to explore to develop our new perspective on what it means to be human and how we move closer to the harmonious state of contentment we seek.
By holding this perspective about what Absolute Truth is we are given the opportunity to shift our perspective to one that is more accurate. We just upgraded in a way. We have gained a powerful ally. All of a sudden everything is the Absolute Truth, nothing is eliminated, ignored, or deemed untruthful.
If unity and harmony are on the radar we must develop a new perspective that provides a purposeful and harmonious understanding for all aspects of life.
Even when something is causing pain and discomfort in our personal lives we need to have a comprehension of purpose that sits beyond our lives, our ego storyline. We should and will work against the injustices in our life, we will strive to do everything in our power to change it when necessary and manifest our vision but the roadblocks are not wrong, they are simply part of the journey and serve a purpose as all things do.
Another concept that is part of the new perspective is that life is constantly in a state of perfection. Our new perspective will show us how it is truthfully in a constant state of perfection, even when it is not!
We haven't discussed my insight to the composition of the human form but let us say that the human form isn't a singular entity, it is composed of multiple distinct centers that each function with a separate value system. This little insight nugget of beauty gives us the opportunity to move various expressions of truth into their corresponding center.
When we try to box truths that are comprised of polarity into a singular circle of definition we lose every time.
Part of our new perspective is that everything belongs, everything makes sense. Life is truly in a state of perfection and our job is to open our perspective wide enough with a deep enough comprehension to see how all the pieces fit together.
My desire is to paint a picture for you about how that is possible. Remember that consciousness is continually awakening, we know more about reality than at another point in our modern history. It is hard to remember that everything we know can be shifted in an instance.
We often cling to what we know and it is difficult to open up to anything new that might jeopardize that security.
The reward for being willing to expand our sense of reality, to become even more awakened, to hold more of the Absolute Truth within our conscious state is an increased sense of peace.
We will revisit this idea of Truth and truth once we have laid out the insight of our human composition and the various aspects of what we typically think of as this singular sense of “I”.
When this insight is brought into the conversation we have a whole new perspective about how to incorporate the diversity of truths and their role within the Absolute Truth!
I am grateful to be sharing this journey with you.
Evolution Is Revolution.
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