What is Ego Humor

by Jan 6, 2019

WTF is Ego Humor?

Ego Humor is here to paint a new perspective, one that doesn't exist at present.

Humanity needs a new dominant collective perspective in regards to what it means to be human & how we integrate with reality if we wish to move closer to models of unity and harmony.

Before I jump into anything else we need to talk about that name, Ego Humor.  What kind of name is that?

Ego Humor was selected for the following reasons:

  • Attempting to define the undefinable, to name the nameless, to know the unknowable is kinda bold, kinda humorous in an egotistical way.
  • Life, the whole freaking circus show, is humorous!  It is seriously not serious.  It matters but it doesn't.  It is important but it isn't.  It is belly laughing, eyeballs watering, stop cause it hurts funny except when it is not.  HA!
  • I honestly believe that seeing the framework that this whole thing seems to be constructed on is easier than figuring out what to do after you see it. Surprise, didn't see that one coming!
  • At this particular point, in the awakening of consciousness through the human form, our participation in the grand mystery is heavily rooted around our egos' journey and its' transformation both individually and collectively.
  • Telling people what life potentially is…. Ego Humor.. 

There is an accessible perspective just beyond polarity and duality that seems to offer an endless drunken punch bowl of humor, I am excited to share it with you.  

I am one of the most serious not serious people you will most likely meet. 

People have a hard time placing me because I traverse the extremes and they don't know which space I am currently inhabiting at any moment. 

I consider myself to be every expression possible at my core, every emotion & thought on the spectrum.   It has taken plenty of work, with loads more still in process, to witness and welcome this truth.  Humor is one of my strongest allies in this journey.  

My ego or my personality, unlike my core, is incredibly, painfully, divided into a unique expression.  There are so many types of personalities & ways to express ourselves that I will never taste or become.   

There are so many types of characters & skillsets to master in this life.  I often dream of being ways that I am not.  I wish I could be this or that, just for a day, but I never will.  Learning to accept my limitations, to love myself for what I am, hasn't been easy.  My ego is my unique expression and at the same time it is my prison.  It is the vehicle I have to engage with others, to learn my lessons, to bring what joy I may to others, and enjoy this wonderland of amazement.  

Through our journey together we will explore this truth in greater detail.


Know this..

You will be respected in the deepest of ways for being a conscious spark who is engaged in the awakening process and this aspect alone qualifies you to receive respect and appreciation.  Your limitations and your strengths are welcome here.  You will be seen for who you were yesterday and given the opportunity to be someone new tomorrow.

You are not given merit or value based on a trick or skill you can perform in this global society.  You, are not a dancing bear.  You are a spark of the divine.  You will also be held accountable for your actions and choices, this isn't a free for all.  This will be one of the most accepting and demanding places you encounter.

The Perspective

I am proposing a perspective through the Ego Humor platform that can literally rearrange the way you see yourself, others, society, and life as a whole. 

The perspective applies to all beings but won't be embraced by all.  People who have been exposed to ancient & modern wisdom that isn’t offered in the mainstream will have an easier time grasping the various pieces and how they are fashioned together here.  It is a complex simplicity, a simple complexity.

My hope is that the perspective is delivered in a way that anyone can examine their own experiences and begin to see the truth within it, regardless of their previous studies.  From there anyone who resonates can explore in more depth if desired.   The plan is to continue to develop the Ego Humor program as well as offer resource links to valuable material.

How many times in your life have you felt daunted by some task, as if it was too overwhelming and seemed impossible?  Then you got into it, knocked it out, and then stood there in reflection saying “wow, I totally got that, I did it, no problem”.  The perspective is like that or similar to any technical trade or craft, it is complex until it isn’t.  Once it is known it couldn’t be easier or more obvious.

A large portion of the perspective does come from composted ancient & modern wisdom.  It has been contemplated in my heart and brain, then cross checked and tested in my day to day actions.  One of my favorite parts is how the components are stitched together in the perspective.  It is like a spider web, each strand is crucial and unique to forming the entire web.  


Little About Me

I wish I could say I am smarter and more insightful than I am but alas I’m more like a dude born in an era where massive amounts of collected wisdom have been made available in real time.  Where centuries of thought & concepts have been tested and tried and the results laid before me.  I have a library card, a love for documentaries, non-ordinary states of consciousness, and enjoy contemplating & meditation.  I have logged notable time.

This path hasn’t been all rainbows, butterflies, and unicorns for me.  I will most likely share part of my personal journey along the way but I want to highlight the fact that awakening can and is often brutal at times.   To become whole, as in finding space for everything, isn't given without a price.  I like to say that we can only know beauty in correlation to the darkness we have allowed ourselves to witness.  


Back To The Perspective

The words & concepts used in delivering the perspective are not important.  You should use whatever words, visuals, and stories you wish in finding a relationship to the perspective.  It is the underlying concepts that matter.  They can be wrapped in anything that maintains the essence underneath.

You will see that there are some amazing fundamental truths that are buried beneath everything.  By choosing to bypass the surface stories and targeting the bedrock, by going deep into the fabric that constructs everything, we will find universal ground.

The path we shall travel will take us to the space where all the stories come from.  Developing a working knowledge of this space, where all stories are birthed, will give us the unique opportunity to see the unifying threads.  Thus giving the stories & expressions that are not our own the opportunity to breathe knowing they all have a place, they are all from the same space.