Getting Started With Ego Humor

by Dec 31, 2018

Awakening, that is the focal point of Ego Humor in a single word.  To be fully awake is to be conscious of the depths of reality, to see the dance as it is, to be one and the same without boundary.

I, myself, am still snuggled up in a nice hazy dreamlike slumber, occasionally popping my eyes open to get a glimpse & quick reminder of where my being lies.

No rush, no worry.
All is sure to come to pass.
Is what I try to remember
The destination is the journey
Free at last
Nothing to gain,
Everything to do
I reach the center
Having been to become
Awakened once more


Time swept and event tested I spiral in this eternal motion.  Lying in this hazy dreamlike slumber my brain lost in stories of here and there, unsure of which is real and really where.

“I” what is this “I”?  The questions tumble & multiply.

These worlds of expressed possibility my being conjures is in part gifted by the numerous brothers and sisters that came before me, each with a dream & desire to reach closer to the Truth.  We belong to a tribe of seekers, we are of the same breed.  We are bitterly blessed with a gnawing demand to search & surrender to the quest.  Fueled by moments of beautiful sadness, mysterious rapture, empathetic connections, and a love that swirls and swells with each realization of the immensity of it all; crescendoing with a magnitude that would implode any other earthly event that held a similar intensity.


There is immense gratitude that resides in my being for the opportunity to play in a time when the collection of the world's knowledge and wisdom is exquisitely cataloged and distributed.

I would not be who I am without the reflections of so many grand beings.

Almost 25 years of contemplation later and it is now my humbling honor to toss a few stones of perspective into the pool of rippling reflections.  Reflections representing the possibilities of what might be what in this dance of consciousness.  The impact & opportunities that are made available through these reflections is immense.  It is our evolving and shifting perspective that provides the basis for our collective collaboration.

I believe, and will seek to show, that grasping the framework of the eternal isn't as challenging as what to do with it in the here and now.  It isn't as challenging due to all the legwork and previous discovery made available by those who came before.

Bold statement?  It is until it isn't.  Any problem can seem overwhelming and then the solution is known and it couldn't be simpler.


The polarity, the duality, the layered coexistence of opposing principles is one of the toughest challenges.  Beginning to see how everything is everything, a fractal of sorts is challenging.  

We have become a people who are addicted to absolutes, right and wrong, good and bad; we want winners and losers.  

This journey is going to be all over the board, wholistic.  One of the more trying & unique aspects is the degree to which we will attempt to heal & befriend our relationship with the “negative” aspects of reality. 

If I were to ask of something from you it would be for your willingness to be open, to consider, to do your own contemplation of what will be presented.  

I don't wish to tell you how it is, I don't want to sell you on anything.  


The perspective being shared is like a spider web, every strand is unique and critical to the complete web.  It is going to take time to identify each strand.  Often times a strand doesn't make complete sense until the others are in place.  Patience.

One thought for the road….

Imagine the Truth to be the pure harmonious vibration of reality.  Any vibration existing outside of the Truth is fractured and will hold a vibration of distortion.  Distortion leads to tension & conflict.  

We live in a reality that is full of tension, distortion.  If you feel tension and distortion in your life is most likely do to not being in alignment with the Truth.  

This is motivation in my life, where is my tension, oh do I have tension, and how is it understood and brought back to alignment with Truth.