Contemplations, Meditations, Observations

Feelings & Thoughts Wrapped In Words
The Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths that were so graciously bestowed to the human family holds the not-so-secret but incredibly challenging path to understanding a vital aspect of the human experience. It is a lesson delivered with a quality many of us have experienced before, a...

Developing Two Lives Within The One

Developing Two Lives Within The One

Individual & Collective Looking at a member of any species there is the ability to see two distinct stories taking place at the same time, an individual and a collective. There is a story that directly applies to the individual and there is a story that applies to...

What Is Truth – Diving Into The Depths

What Is Truth – Diving Into The Depths

There Is No Religion Higher Than Truth. - Theosophical SocietyThe age old question "what is truth?".  How many times has this question been asked?  How many hours, how many lives, have been spent pouring over the idea, pondering possibilities, examining perceived...

What is Ego Humor

What is Ego Humor

WTF is Ego Humor? Ego Humor is here to paint a new perspective, one that doesn't exist at present. Humanity needs a new dominant collective perspective in regards to what it means to be human & how we integrate with reality if we wish to move closer to models of...

A New Perspective – First Video

A New Perspective – First Video

My first attempt at creating a small visual piece attempting to spark some interest in the platform being crafted.   I look forward to making more videos that will creatively look at the perspective that I am attempting to convey. If you appreciate or resonate the...

Getting Started With Ego Humor

Getting Started With Ego Humor

Awakening, that is the focal point of Ego Humor in a single word.  To be fully awake is to be conscious of the depths of reality, to see the dance as it is, to be one and the same without boundary. I, myself, am still snuggled up in a nice hazy dreamlike slumber,...