Developing Two Lives Within The One

by Jan 23, 2019

Individual & Collective

Looking at a member of any species there is the ability to see two distinct stories taking place at the same time, an individual and a collective. There is a story that directly applies to the individual and there is a story that applies to the collective of that species, which each individual is a contributor of.

In our human history, we have seen both expressions, individual and collective, given the main stage as the accepted cultural identity under which a people functioned. Throughout the majority of our history, I would say that it has been the environment or necessity that has shaped our accepted expression, individual or collective, and not something we chose based on the collected knowledge & wisdom of either.

Quick note, among the Ego Humor fundamentals everything is everything. A fractal type quality like the Taoist yin yang is present here and I would like to mention it. The collective has individual aspects and the individual has collective aspects. I will write like they are distinctly separate for convenience.

Our species has now been in the evolutionary spiral process long enough to have tasted both expressions as the dominant form, collective and individual. Our ability to assess both has never been greater and will only continue to improve.

While our ancestors were entrenched in the tribal or collective expression for many many centuries the social reform and technology required to provide a true sense of individualism has only come about in the past couple hundred years.

The relatively recent phenomenon of the individual has taken hold and we have swung to the outer edges of individual expression.  Being at the edge of an extreme makes it challenging to witness what lies at the other end.


Our conscious ego story has been molded and shaped from the day we were born.  Our modern society has put a strong emphasis on the individual ego expression as our main identity.  We are a product of the present, built on the recent past which stems from the industrial revolution and the dreams & values of individualism.

We swung from one end of the polarity stick to the other, from tribal to the individual. Is it not common for us to want what we don’t have or for us to think that the grass is greener on the other side?  It is in our nature.  Why wouldn’t a people who were bound by necessity take the opportunity to be themselves fully if given the chance?  It sounds amazing, the way youth long for their independence from the parent figures who are perceived as being controlling and overbearing.

I believe we have reached a point in our collective evolution where we are being given the opportunity to witness the two extremes and develop a superior position, a position that ultimately brings both aspects into play simultaneously.  Being able to see our self, be seen by others, and treat others as if we are both an individual and a collective is the path towards increased harmony & collaboration.

Why would this increase harmony & collaboration?  Because both are true and denying one only inflames the other, it isn't about one over the other.  It is a mutual respect for one another and how they are designed to assist one another.

The desire for this position, a combination of collective and individual, comes from having experienced, witnessed, and researched both sides; using this in conjunction with what we are observing and calling eternal truths and the trajectory it displays toward unity consciousness.

This individual collective position becomes possible when:
• The knowledge & wisdom of the inner workings of both models is known, thereby allowing the players to form a viable framework for participation.  Each player can consciously understand the who, what, when, where, why, & how of the framework.
• Social reform has been made that allows the institution of said framework, it also serves to protect and promote.
• Technologies that craft & establish the functioning framework based on the defined fundamental principles are made available.  This includes technologies that make being an individual possible while also weaving each individual into the collective.  A voice for both is seen and heard.  (The technologies that allow individuals to be integrated into a functional collective is recent and underdevelopment.  This would have to be decentralized, people would have to own their own information, and a spirit of radical transparency would have to be a goal.)
• There needs to be a universally shared & accepted story for our human experience. One that is incredibly simple in detail but profound in implication.  It needs to reach deep into the fabric of nature and offer a story that sits behind religion, science, philosophy, or fields of interest.  A story that allows people to have their individual conflicting interests or fields of study but is universally accepted by all as the fountainhead from which all stems.

Being able to see and function in this capacity requires that we develop our ability to see life beyond our own ego story, that we reconnect with what it means to be part of the tribe or collective in a meaningful way.

A focal point of the Ego Humor platform is identifying and nurturing our multi-polar sense of self.  The individual and collective expression within us have different frameworks that highlight and work towards achieving their individual goals or desires.


Ironically, we once again find that the highest satisfaction & strongest position for both, the collective and the individual, are best achieved by working together, by accommodating one another. This requires some give and take on both sides to achieve the greatest potential but is well worth the comprises made. Yet another instance where prior to setting off on the task at hand it seems as though sacrifices must be made but by the time success has been achieved the word sacrifice is properly discarded due to the lack of truthfulness in the characterization of the situation.

Obviously, I haven’t offered an in-depth look at the topic. This is more of an interest peaking post and we will offer more in the time to come.

The large scale collective story is more challenging to witness at this point due to our society’s current values & educational system, however, when the collective story is witnessed we are quickly able to see the value and impact it has.

A conscious evolution in our awareness of reality is needed to get an objective perspective of our animal & ego nature.  To understand the workings of materialism and how has a different set of value standards depending on which lens we are using to view it.  The animal, ego, & eternal nature (the universal spark, spiritual essence etc) have vastly different perspectives on the purpose and function of materialism.    To begin to make a substantial change in our global participation we must develop our perspectives of the nature of reality thereby opening the door for creating the crucial tools we need for this next step in our human expression.  

We are now faced with breaking these animal and ego addictions, not eliminating but reshaping how we engage through this aspect of our being. 

Today you will see plenty of debate that focuses on one side or the other, either individual rights or a sense of collectivism. This mentality is the old paradigm thinking, trapped in the right or wrong battle where one outcome, one result, is being sought.  I would suggest that this is influenced by the unipolar identity model that we are seeking to graduate from and will continue to speak of.

The alignment, the availability, the growth of various aspects which are crucial to our conscious evolution have been slowly grinding forward.  We find ourselves at an exciting point where we are collectively ready to embody truth, a truth that a much smaller number have known in the past. We are multi-polar being, we consist of many conflicting truths simultaneously and that is simply how it is and will continue to be.  How do we engage with that truth?

We are both an individual and a collective. The strongest position before us is the one that holds the deepest degree of truth. The deepest truth available at this time is that we are a multi-composite being, we are a collective and an individual.

Our strongest expression of collaborative unity and harmony to date is becoming possible as we speak. 

Experiential wisdom throughout the generational chain, the grand spiral of conscious evolution Itself, the technology needed to integrate vast numbers on the material plane; all of this is happening like clockwork.  Be here now, be where we are, see what the next steps we are able to take in our evolution.

To keep things humble we realize that any advance we make will be made compost the way we seek to compost what was prior to us.  We are not chained or limited by the past, although the past is within us. We presently seek to feed the seeds of the future in the compost of the past.

The journey is the destination, awakening.