Ego Humor

Stuart DeJong

Offering A New Perspective On Ancient Wisdom

Ego Humor is focused on telling a new story, presenting a new perspective, that offers the listner an opportunity to see themselves and the world in a different light.  What it means to be human, how we interact with one another, how we shape our societies & more will be discussed .  The goal is to identify a group of like minded individuals who can collectively unify under mutually identified principles and show the world a different way is possible. 

My Story

When I was 19 I began projecting the phrase “I want to be exposed to the truth, the raw honest truth.  I am not worried about if it is right or wrong, good or bad. I simply want to be exposed to the truth!”

This quest for truth almost 25 years later is richer than ever.  I think one of the standouts is the prevalence of irony played out through polarity and duality.  There is an amazing laughter, a cosmic jokester feel when the space just beyond polarity or duality is attained.  

Through my study, meditation, & contemplation I have found a perspective that stitches things together in a way that makes all tolerable and removes blame.  It does this while at the same time bringing a new source of motivation for the push towards a greater degree of self awareness and unity consciousness.  The movement toward unity is no longer about good or bad, right or wrong, it is about an eternal trajectory.  It has become about the spiraling path itself, honoring each point for what it is and where I am within it. 

If you had a perfect circle drawn in front of you, would you be able to pick out the best part of the arc within its drawing?  Life is a perfect circle, or a spiral to be more precise, all possibility falls within its being.   

Things are done to fulfill the storyline, the awakening of consciousness itself.  It just is. 



A Couple Values & Beliefs

Life is constantly in a state of perfection.

There is an evolving consciousness that is spiraling through all the degrees of awakening.  Through this dance all the possibilities are encountered with one leading to the next.  It is perfectly imperfect or imperfectly perfect; it is the organized chaos or chaotic organization.

Everything is everything.

Fractals, as above so below, holograms, quantum entanglement, or ying yang all point to a beautiful truth, everything is everything.  I like to say that the middle path isn't a choice but a place we arrive.  When we come to a point where we realize that everything is everything we are left standing in the middle of the extremes.  There is a part of us that recognizes there is no longer a need to reach to either end, it is all the same.  (We must still reach and be active, until you have knowledge of our existence in multiple planes this likely sounds like a stand still.  Hardly the truth)

Become self aware, awakening, is the purpose of life.

From the unified state came division and out of division consciousness rediscovered its way to the unified field once again.  This is our story.

My Approach

 The plan is to deliver the perspective through various mediums of media.  The website will serve as a hub that connects all things Ego Humor such as blog posts, video content, book, or podcast.  The website will also serve as a resource hub for other valuable content produced by other people & organizations.

A YouTube channel is in the works.  I have been working on an e-book.  A podcast would make sense also.