Evolution Is Revolution

The resources needed to level up are laid out in front of us.  Ancient knowledge from every corner of the globe has been collected and made available for anyone who seeks it.  The various fields of science continually climb closer to mirroring esoteric wisdom.

Never has there been a point in recorded history where life-altering information, knowledge, wisdom has been so easily accessible.  Anyone who has the deep seeded desire to seek it out and make the time to consume and contemplate it are obliged.

What was once guarded and given only to the selected few is now available for all.  Not only given but offered with commentary & insight from many hearts and minds throughout the centuries.

At the base of these stories is something rather simple, it is a simple complexity or a complex simplicity.


The journey is the destination!


We Are Ready For A New Perspective

Change is indeed the only constant.  Evolution via continued awakening of self-conscious awareness is our game.

I will seek to show that there are a few fine points of interpretation in regards to what it means to be human, how we are composed, the nature of good & bad, our evolution as a species, and how society has been structured that have served their time and are now to be relieved of duty.  It is time to upgrade our software, our understanding, our perspective so that it mirrors our newly achieved position in the evolutionary spiral.

There was a point in our human story where the commonly held belief was the earth existed at the center of space, everything revolved around the earth.  I believe that there are many other commonly held beliefs that could be on the brink and when they are respectfully retired we will be open to a whole new world of possibility once again.


Our existence is about awakening and evolving, following the storyline, welcoming it, and embodying it.  When seen from the perspective to be developed here there isn't a need to condemn, blame, or shame anything.  With that said there is plenty to change but with an attitude & understanding of the spiral transition, not from a place of right or wrong.

The past is meant to liberate us, not confine us.   It is an incredible challenge to peer into the future and welcome the unknown when we could easily cling to what has always been.

The irony is they both are equally challenging and will cause discomfort.  Wisdom shows us that the pain caused by clinging to the past offers no source of envigorating growth while the pain of letting go of the old and seeking the new does.

In this journey I wish to share with you the hilarious counter-intuitive and ironic jokester disposition of  Life.   Chaos is order and order is chaos.  It all matters but it doesn't.  I am important but I am not.  Right can be wrong and wrong can be right.  The comedy is endless.

In a nutshell everything is everything, as above so below, fractals, holograms.  In this path we begin to look beyond the obvious expressions that anything holds and challenge ourselves to see the less obvious.  Everything is everything, the question is can you see it?

When everything becomes everything you are left standing in the middle.  The middle path isn't something you choose, it is a place you arrive.

The journey is truly the destination and if you are intended to partake within this crazy cluster of conscious climbers you shall, if not you won't.

Life is constantly in a state of perfection whether we know it or not.  Your choice will be just that, perfect.  You may stick around, you may leave, or you may return after time time has passed; ultimately it will be absolute precision in grand scheme.  

That said, my ego personality does hope you stick around and see if you belong, we all could use another expanded heart & mind to contribute & collaborate with.


Get all the juicy details about Ego Humor here.

The who, what, when, why, how stuff.

Oh yea….

Contemplations, meditations, feelings, and anything else I can throw down on this digital interface.

Words, I have a love hate relationship with them.

The resource center focuses on connecting you with the life-altering material.

We will continue to categorize websites, documentaries, YouTube channels, books, movies and more.  Dig in!